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Thursday, August 27, 2015

LOTD 082715 The White Armory

This lovely gown was photographed in our underwater garden that my husband created for me.  I told him I wanted some mermaid pictures done and he found this great garden for me.  I added one piece to it which I blogged about in a prior entry.  It's just amazing!

Have you ridden a seahorse lately?  You haven't?  And why not?  This one here is a beauty, I got him playing gacha at the Enchantment Event event.  Isn't he handsome?

I saw this gown and just fell in love with it.  It's such a delicate shade of green with a bit of shimmer to it.  It has the long trailing strands that move and sway each time you do.  It also has the look of scales, making it ideal for this underwater photo shoot.

Styling Notes:

Gown by The White Armory  Dancing Anemone Gown Set
Jewelry by Muse, Dancing Anemone kelp and coral entire set
Izzie's mesh alpha eye lashes
Oceane eyeliner Moon 3
Izzie's Shay lipstick matt rust
Izzie's Autumn eyeshadow green
Exile Walking on Sunshine hair (Hair Fair)
IKON Sunrise Eyes Light Lagoon